so, is this not a little Ralph Lauren inspired with the red, white and blue checked table cloth?… original price on the table cloths..$45.00….the price I paid..50 cents
…I ended up with 6 tablecloths, 2 frames, blue pottery, and the french chair…. found everything for about $15…not sure what I’ll do with the table cloths other than use them as such….but I did have some ideas…..
I was thinking, if you were really budget oriented, and needed to change things up a bit in the kitchen or lav, these table cloths could be just the thing…small valance, and shower curtain for the lav….and for a small kitchen, again, small valance and recover chair seats if you have a table or bar stools in the kitchen…and who couldn’t use an odd chair here and there…(not that the chair is “odd”, just using that as a phrase because they’re not a set, so, therefore it’s considered “odd” right?…for any of my readers from other countries who may not get all of our US expressions…)…