
The Ralph Lauren showed the garage on the other hand

In 1958, ferrari rafa tarot is located in Ralph lauren pizza a large collection of antique ferrari front and center. This is one of the 27, is ever more than any more cars in our 2011 the most expensive cars list. Warehouse save the classical and Lauren showed large collection of new cars, even enabled us to the world's most beautiful garage list seem commonplace. You can see his the manufacturer, but it seemed to be made of color, make very obvious, he likes in YinGong and his Benz his ferrari. Jerry Renault's garage was used to repair. The Ralph  Lauren showed the garage, on the other hand, is like a very good museum configuration, A closer look, but please don't touch. In a remote corner sits a 1938 BuJiaDi Type 57SC Atlantic sports car, one of two surviving models. Last year, BuJiaDi Type 57SC Atlantic exported to other MuLin motor museum oakes curled nader, California, 30 yuan between $40m, making it, unofficially, the world's most expensive car. It is part of a rare specimen can already get Mr Lauren. You can tell each car carefully chosen, most likely, meticulously restored. And every man, with a little story is, will be a museum of value. According to link to view the Lauren showed the car collecting more photos.

