
high-end Yves Saint Laurent

Now Mr Pinault's son is taking an equally transformative step, stripping the company of its once-core French retail business in order to focus entirely on global consumer and luxury brands, such as its high-end Yves Saint Laurent and mass-market Puma labels.
Francois - Pinault PPR, Henri CEO is a new plan in hand to sell the company's European retail department, including the famous electronics retailers fnac, Conforama discount furniture store. Interview WSJ nearby PPR headquarters in Paris Pinault detailed arc DE triomphe his first his plan to transform his family's company.
"The sooner the better," he said, sandy haired preparation - 47, although he said he didn't give yourself divestments plan deadline. "We have the biggest weaknesses - retail. Is the commercial cannot rapidly development", because the overseas consumers often needs to take a long time to warm up to a strange name, said Mr. Pinault PPR can gain an estimated yourself from $400 million ($6.47 bn sale retail business, analysts say. Pinault sir want to use this cash to buy other clothing and accessories brand, create a new market district PPR would reflect luxury units. The company has been in some is expected from 10 billion! Its African part of the market, consumer goods department, 3 December began trading.

