
Carla Bruni Would Be Killed If She Dressed How She Wanted To

The Telegraph recently tracked down our favorite '80s pop star-slash-designer, Jean Paul Gaultier, to drill him on French fashion. He noted, "People think that everyone wears black in France; in fact they all wear grey."
Gaultier couldn't go without mentioning his good friend and upcoming TV interviewer Carla Bruni. He remarked, "She's been so clever because she's playing the role of the First Lady and she's doing it well. Carla would have been assassinated if she'd dressed the way she normally likes to dress. Then when she's promoting her albums, she dresses as a singer again."
He also discussed his main reason to stay in France in the '80s: his late business partner and boyfriend Francis Menuge. Was it hard for Gaultier to come out?
"Thankfully times were changing. Yves Saint Laurent and Pierre Berge were overtly a couple back then and ten years later when I said I had met a boy, my parents just asked: "Do you love each other? Then that's

