
responsible for the design

At first he intends to bring the collection on his Westchester of 273 acres in the apartment will be built in the underground garage, even to the garage and building design coming to visit his architect friend Gwathmey, Charles. "But there are any building all very difficulty."Ralph  Lauren said, even if you have a lot of money, nor by local partition to carry on the project. Administration, "After that, Mark helped me find the building." Mark is Ralph Lauren showed, the product's manager, and is also a car mechanic. At that time it was a local in downsizing state current car agents of the warehouse. Lauren showed that he can be with his car are here dwell with sleep in their door, then bought this building and please Mark Reinwald Alfredo Paredes assistance to it and transformation, Alfredo is the company's vice President, he is responsible for the design of Polo Ralph Lauren  shops supervise and examine.

